Friday 25 April 2014

Earth Day
courtesy: Google-Wikipedia 
On 22nd April, we all stopped for while-shook our self hard- only to realize that we have indeed gone far-far from our mother earth.  The day reminded us shamefully that we have given nothing but had always taken almost everything from her.  Amid our selfishness, we have always overlooked our mother earth's needs. The day brought us down to earth-we were guilty that we were flying high.   

There were some concerned teachers in Mendrelgang MSS who understood the desperate call of our mother earth-they became restless-they wanted to respond to her call. Mrs. Namgay Dem, Mrs. Choki of and Mrs. Kezang and Mrs. Pem Choden of Nature club spearheaded the idea to mark the day in style-they wanted to organize class competition where each class was asked to rack their brains to make something out waste-especially pet bottles-plastics and papers.

The day was marked with speeches-models out of waste-educational audio-visual clips and message oriented songs and dances.  Judges arrived from primary school next door-indeed it was bustling day-day that brought us back to our mother earth. 

Organizers thank you for enlightening us from our slumber- sleep of selfishness-thank you for helping us to whisper: “MOTHER EARTH WE ARE SORRY. WE STILL LOVE YOU!” 

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